(Yours Truly, in 1992, visiting grandparents in Seattle and already rocking the one pant-leg up situation) I will always be a city girl at heart, and I do get home sick. However, I was raised by a long line of pioneer-spirited women and do-it-youself-ers. Anyway, I must have gotten an insane boost of the DIY bug, cause holy cow the last few weeks have been nuts! ^ Needed something for my kitchen, everything was too expensive (that I liked) and so I thought, well why not paint my own? I think maybe it was that darn British Baking Show... The date nut loaf... holy cow this sucker is gonna be a staple! Not too pretty to look at, but the tastiest thing ever. It started with baking, then turned to meal prepping! I'm not a big meat person, and really neither was my family growing up. Not any belief thing this or that, we just cooked a lot more veggies and other protein sources. Anyway, I keep going back to Green Kitchen...