We got a White Christmas! It continued to snow and the boys had enough to play in after these photos were taken. They were able to build a snow man with Austin, too! Austin was able to take a full week and a half off, so our holiday time was amazing. ^This last photo was actually Christmas Eve as my side of the family celebrates the traditional German way. Austin and I have managed to compromise so that Christmas Eve is a big celebration, nativity-reading, music listening-- and we open non-Santa gifts. Now, in the morning, Santa comes with stockings and their gift. Stockings were pretty amazing when I was a kid! It was a big deal too! Austin's family had very specific things in their stockings that were traditional with Santa like a huge orange, apple, a bag of nuts, etc. that we keep alive, too. We successfully mixed our holiday foods as well. The Carmen family does scones, breakfast casserole, and other fun holiday dishes, and my family did a soup every Christmas Eve...