This was my first Christmas Morning! My family always celebrated Christmas Eve because of our German heritage, and Grandma Shirley never wanting to get up early. Austin and his family had so much fun sharing all of their traditions with me! On Christmas Eve we ate the traditional scones they make from scratch. Susan even grinds the wheat flour! Then we went Christmas light viewing all around Casper, Wyoming. I was surprised how many people participate. They even have a contest for several light awards! All of the Carmen siblings were telling me about the super music house, and that all the others were weak sauce in comparison. I was waiting, waiting, waiting, and then the house didn't do it that year! Hillary said, "well maybe the moved..." and Susan said, "They probably died!" We all thought we'd take the "moved out" option :) We then came home and read the bible Christmas story, and then the Book of Mormon's version in the Americas. We also g...