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Showing posts from November, 2015

The Last Stretch

I am on the last little stretch before the surgery! It's amazing how in denial I can still be, thinking that I do not have anything wrong. But then you get a wake up call when your body does funky things you can't stop, and then you fall down the stairs twice. Once I popped my shoulder, and the second I popped a hip and broke my back molar coming down on my side. So I got that tooth fixed ASAP, thank the heavens it didn't damage any roots! At the dentist my mouth was opened for an extended period of time, and needles were involved. Just when you think you have this whole Dystonia thing under control.... another reminder! I got lock jaw while working as a floor nurse! My jaw had increasing pain through the week, and I revisited the dentist. Nothing wrong with my tooth. At work, it sealed shut (and not to be gross) but when you have an intense cramp like that, it causes immense pain. I do in fact throw up sometimes from the pain. Well if your mouth seals... and tons...