After significant and worrying weight loss and severe nausea and vomiting, A 500mL bleed at 19-20 weeks thinking he was lost, 23 week early labor that needed to be stopped, Contractions and cramping throughout, Gestational that caused hypoglycemic swings to the lower 40s and high 30s, Steroid shots for early dilation, A possible high uterine amniotic leak, Then decreased movement counts and stress due to my left generator shutting off, Right at 37 weeks we induced Baby A. It was so weird “knowing” when your baby is gonna happen! It was actually kind of stressful and made for a really long weekend counting baby movements because he was so sluggish. What do you even wear to an induction? I could’ve just showed up in sweats considering you strip down and they get the show rolling! But I also felt like I needed to be a decent human being and did myself up haha. Thank goodness for Grandma Carmen being able to handle Toddler R, that was such a huge help cause w...