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.:Momma Loves Pumpkins:.

Little man continues to surprise me and Austin! 
He loves to help out so much. We discovered our local meat market, and have been feasting on recipes we've been dying to make but haven't had the appropriate supplies for. When we discovered they carried a good local lamb, we hit our Jerusalem cookbook. When we discovered the halibut, shoot I just cooked that up French Meunière style. Best. Treat. Ever. 

And guess who adored the halibut? Little man! I was so proud! 
We decided to let him help with many things because he really wants to help and feels so accomplished. He's more apt to participate in things we want him to do if he helps. I hope he really learns to love food and cooking! It was definitely shared by my parents with me. 

Keeping an almost 2 year-old busy is insanely difficult for anyone, let alone when you are late in your third trimester and experiencing complications... Rather, I think he keeps me busy. I've been relying a lot on indoor activities and crafts with him because I just can't run around outside with him. He always wants to help with laundry and chores, but we pull out the fun stuff too! He still loves that kinetic sand tupperware I made for him almost a year ago! We also have some craft days and pull out the markers, playdough, construction paper, and his favorite --stickers! 

I've been upkeeping the whole art/making stuff thing too, being trapped on the couch or kitchen table most days. R is so funny cause he won't let me lay down. He pulls of my blankets and grabs my hand and says, "Cmmon Momma!" So even while he's watching Bubble Guppies and Barney for his hour TV time and Momma's rest time, I'm crocheting or sewing! 

I even finished his little judge Halloween costume!

I still have some aprons, quilts and scrub caps to do! 

A friend took me to a ceramics painting place, and we sat and painted for a couple hours sharing our health woes as she is having problems of her own. It was the perfect activity! Plus I was able to paint this tortilla/baking dish for Austin as a thank you for picking up a lot of the slack my current situation has put me in. He really likes Scandinavian things, so I made him a very traditional dish :D

With all this Arty-Revivalness with my current situation, I had to laugh when my mom sent me this in the mail, she's pretty awesome. You outta find a mom like her. 

I was somewhat of a ding-dong and went to Billings, MT with the boys. We wanted to make a Costco trip before things really started happening. We did a short roadtrip to Sheridan and visited my old Hospital, and rested there. Then we went up to Billings and got a hotel to rest at. We got to visit the temple grounds, and get all the LDS materials we could dream of to start Sunday lessons with the boys. I also was able to get a new scripture set as I have had mine for the last 20 years and they were all sorts of marked-up! The next morning we hit Costco, then Cafe Rio. We came home after that. I tried my best to take it easy. 

That was seriously the last little outing I am taking. Wasn't smart but much needed and we took it very, very slow and easy. 

Like I said, I was a ding-dong and I had spotting and cramping a few days afterwards. 

Back to the Doctor's to make sure everything with my placenta was okay. It seems as though my cervix is beginning to open, and I may have lost my plug too... things may be happening soon and that is legitimately enough to scare me into growing my behind in the couch. It is SO hard for me. SOOO hard. This has truly been a test. 

My list making is surprisingly still going, it really works for me. It also helps me to prioritize what is actually important. And again, keeps me feeling like I have "to-do's" and a sense of being useful. 
With the latest Baby news, I've been laying down on the couch and bed, and severely limiting moving about. Not to mention it is painful as all get out. 

R knows something is up and he knows I love Fall, and "Ween" and "Spooky" and "Pumkin." We read him a lot of Halloween books and our place is fairly decorated. One morning when Austin was home, he let me sleep in a bit and really rest. R comes over and grabs my hand while I'm sleeping which naturally woke me up. He toddles off when Dad tells him to leave me be, and I roll over on my maternity pillow. 

There was something poking me in the back, and lo and behold Little Man brought up one of the little fabric pumpkins from my decorative pumpkin basket my mom made me. 

Talk about melting my heart. 

Kids are the best. 


from Wyoming! 


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