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The Last Three Days.


The last three days I was sick with an infection again. (But this is no news because Dystonia lowers your immune system so you're sick all the time and bad.) So anyway, the two days I was supposed to work, I was spilling my beans. 

And I was supposed to take my nurse entrance exam today. 

But guess who's a wizard? Yer a wizard Brenny! The power went out at the LCCC student services building, so we went directly to the testing area. As I was explaining to the lady that I had to take a nurse test and "it's very important, I need to find out which testing center it is. The power went out in the student service building where I was supposed to take it...."


That building too! And my testing building. 

Which.... all the computers with the Kaplan test where obviously not all-go. "Call again!" is what they told us (Wyoming for come back soon), and I now have my "three week wait" waived which means I can take the test (still) twice because I tried today, and I won't have to wait three weeks to take it for a second attempt. So I can still get two in before the nursing applications are due! More time and more attempts! 


 Since the test had to be taken at the main campus, we were in Cheyenne. I was feeling mucho better after two/three days of solid sleep,  and Austin was antsy to get some fun in before law school Wednesday.... so we made a day of it :)

We started in the downtown with all the fun buildings and homes...

Did the whole "that house is my dream house!" Shoot. Mine came with a Vespa lol. 

Found a freaking Asian market.... like.... pretty dang legit amidst all the cowboy. (Austin prefers mango drinks from the phillipines, I had to get my lychee.)

Shopped a bit since we had the opportunity. Austin found a sweater at Ross, I found me some new shoes (hallelujah my patchy-toms got a buddy! And no I will never get rid of my toms!) These suckers are from Blowfish! At TJ-Max! I actually eyed these suckers when dreaming about botas or desert boots and thought "gee one day when I have $55!" Uh.... $25 at TJ's. This was the best score since I eyed my yellow dress for $30 on and found it as an online return a week later at Target in Idaho Falls for $2.00. In my size. The shoes were in my size. Fashion gods love my 5'9" size 10 footed self. 

Michael's was another place we visted because all of my childhood was that store and beyond. Mom and Aunt were the Klutz Inc. people! Usually when I find my mom or my aunt's books in a store, I pull them all out and shove them in front of all the other books. You're welcome Mom and Sherri!

Then Austin found me the most glorious thing...

Halloween had arrived at Michael's, and it came in the form of cheap googly-eyed monster nails!! I cannnnoooottttt wait for FALL!

And just as if the heavens heard me, it stormed. Even better, I got to ride home in the storm with Austin.

(wizard, right?)

Austin and I thought oh gee I wonder if the rain hit Laramie again so we don't have to water the remnants of our garden! Heck no we didn't have to, and all this crazy stuff popped up to our surprise! We'll take a 1/4 of our garden surviving anyday!

Guess what. PUMPKINS. 


I can't even handle it. I think I see Fall in the air already!

In the meantime... I've been daydreaming about it eating these bad boys. Cinnamon roasted almonds! Can't wait to have some nutmeg and pumpkin! What's your favourite season?

(I think we should grow an almond tree lol......)

xoxo, from Wyoming!


  1. that cute little house *swoon* and you've been finding the best clothes deals lately!!

    1. Daww, thanks! It does need a pick-up before Austin's schooling starts lol! :D I dunno what it is! Fashion Gods haha!


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