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Organize it.

Juno's been wondering what the hell. 

All this Fall Time, and preparation for winter and the rough parts of school has been nuts! The neighbor's dogs are inside now because of the week long rain.

Our pumpkins are spreading and starting their bulbs. 

Corn season is happening...

Our bikes are under the tarp for the rain, and our backyard is screaming Fall!

Austin and I ride the bus, especially when it's rainy and whatnot rather than our bikes. We get to pass the coolest things on the way to the bus stop --old homes and sunflowers, and railroad tracks!

But that also means we really have no time... we walk 15 minutes to catch the beginning of the bus route, and then it's a 50 minute ride to LCCC for me. We often got home with no time to cook and places to be, and I was tired of it! Being married and working and doing school is not easy. 

I decided to make it easy on myself and Austin via Pinterest, and these bad boys. 

I was talking to my manager at McDonald's about having no time and how I wished I was posh and could get the home version of our produce containers at McD's for my stuff. I love how the restaurant organizes everything. All the veggies get these fancy clear containers! I've seen the nice home versions at Bed Bath and Beyond .:Here:. but I don't have $11 per container. My manager told me she just went to the Dollar Store. So that's exactly what I did!

Ta-dah! $10!

So now I just needed food.... I have all my fruits and veggies canned, but I was missing meats and main courses. I had a Monday night free, so I went for it. 

I have this thing for goodness sake, I have the crockpot power! Plus another crockpot... and an oven!


I made: 

BBQ pork shoulders for my green beans (canned) 
Butternut squash soup with quinoa on the side,
Balsamic roast with potatoes for my beets (canned)
Stuffed hamburgers to use up my mushrooms and provologne, 
Paula Dean's pot roast and potatoes to go with green beans, 
Sticky honey teriyaki drumsticks to go with rice and my peaches (canned), 
Blanched and froze broccoli for the drumsticks and then some, 
Two loaves of bread, and hamburger buns (GF) 
Brownies (GF) 
And last but not least a jar of GF pancake batter and sausage to the side!

Here's photos of the madness!

After all the madness, I have a lot of frozen meals in serving sizes, and my fridge bins are full of two people servings of breakfast and dinners :D

I get all my recipes from the Slow Cooker Board on my Pinterest. It's a group effort, and I suggest you get your friends on one! Whenever Austin and I don't know what we want, we look at all the pins and pick some with similar ingredients. Did I mention we did all of this on $50? For any gluten free modifications, visit my GF board too!

Slow Cooker Recipes .:Here:.
Gluten Free .:Here:.

Xoxo --from Wyoming!


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