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Summertime in the City

 Summertime in the city!

But not really a big city.

More like small rural cities! I just got that song stuck in my head. 

Eastern Washington has been a hotspot for COVID due to essential workers (we have Del Monte, Lamb Weston, Tyson... to name a few big food places). Naturally, we are still in a modified Phase 1 of the 6 phase opening process. Phase 1.5 is what we call it here. Restaurants are allowed a certain percent capacity, but only outdoor seating. Today, I finally remembered to call and make a reservation as the limited seating is very popular! We also have money to eat out this month, so we found ourselves celebrating. The boys loved it, and so did we. P.S. those Little People books with a ton of flaps and imagery are the most perfect "waiting" quiet time - keep to yourself - item for babies to R's age. 

Plus, today it was only 82 degrees today versus the 100+ series we've had. Our air conditioning broke during the heat waves this year! If you know me, 81 degrees indoors with window air conditioners going is way, way way WAY too warm. And I become whiny. (With good reason, dystonia AND arthritis hate extreme heat and cold). 

I hope to never see that again... It was off to save power when I quickly realised it wasn't doing anything. Thankfully it got fixed! 

These little goons have been my life. Especially lately because they both are growing so fast and growing big personalities. They FINALLY like playing with each other. It's so neat to see their brother bond grow. And I kind of like having 15 minute bursts of them running off to play together, not going to lie! It's usually trouble but... hahaha! It's a super weird moment when that begins to happen, and you don't know what to do with yourself!  

I've also been holding our oldest more accountable and giving him more responsibility, and things he can help with. We are really kind of stuck still being at home and with each other, so I try to fill time with important mental tasks for the boys. A lot of that is cooking and preparing produce, and getting produce from the markets and farms. Kiddo R will stir pots, dump things, etc. 

And I am always surprised at how much a 3 year old can do. If you ever find yourself picking stone fruit (ie peaches, plums, nectarines....) get yourself a 3 year old to stand on your shoulders and reach for the best fruit high up in the trees! 

Here's a picture of him shucking all the corn from the farmer's market! He really can do all of them by himself including breaking the stem when he's done. 

Toddler A. is still a little too small, so I let him pull out wooden spoons and play with oven mitts...

Today at the Farmer's Market, R was really into giving the sellers the cash. He was so excited, and also carried his produce bag to collect the produce. I gave him money to buy three different types of squash, with clear instructions. He then marches up to the lady, eyes a basket of berries,  and says, "Blackberries, please!" Little Squirt!!!

He also decided to dress himself "cool" today, and said Toddler A could "just be pretty." LOL. 

"I am dressed cool, right Momma?"

Our area has to be into Phase 3 of the reopening process for schools to open. Kiddo R was supposed to start in November, but it's highly unlikely that's going to happen. Thankfully we are talking preschool and not his first year of kindergarten or something :( I feel for you people that do! 

The stores are filled with all kinds of homeschooling and educational material so I just decided to get two Paw Patrol books for us to do during Toddler A's nap. So far, so good. I didn't think it was doing much, but still stuck with it. And today Kiddo R surprises me by finding the letter "D" on his kid menu and making the noise, then telling his Dad all about words that start with "D"! That was a proud moment. 

Other than these happenings, our family spends a boat-load of time down at the river. I really need to take photos of our favorite place. We probably go 3+ x a week. It was so nice when our air conditioning broke and we could head down and take a refreshing dive!

But, it's also good to have air conditioning, lol. 

From Washington


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