Rexburg, being only 5 miles squared, makes it hard to hide. Especially when it is a morally dictated area. This presents a rebellious opportunity for the 15,000 students attending... so yes. A few will stray from the good old Honor Code. Curfew at 12 o' clock midnight? Haha! Found you behind the church making out with your boyfriend and smoking a joint. Wait what? Oh yes. And we love the fact that we are just assuming this and you act all suspicious and drive off in a craze. So what do we do? We follow you! Call us creepy or the obnoxious moral police, but it's hilarious watching you blow through stop signs because you think it's President Clarke, or possibly your mom! Maybe your full name will appear in the headlines of "The Scroll" the next day. Worry yourself to sleep, while Austin and I pee our pants laughing because we're just a dumb married couple who (yeah okay we admit it) probably made out in the car at BYU too.
I've been thinking a lot, and a lot has been going on. Lorde radio on Pandora is a good way to zone out. So is sewing, and doing all those other mindless activities I love, and that keep me happy. I haven't written on this blog because to be honest, it's been difficult lately. To get the sob story quick and out of the way, I've been in a self-pity mode, and super down on myself. I had a very difficult time at BYU because of a crappy life occurrence that made the decision to leave the best decision of my life. It was hard to get my BFA between the BYU's when I transferred, and I couldn't work on a second diploma I was seeking. I ended up with the most amazing BFA situation though, and that has been a blessing. (And the most awesome thing happened too, obviously. --marriage! I would never ever change that!) The last year into my BFA I found out definitive stuff about my dystonia, including no children. And the nursing program chase has not be
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