Thank you for the chocolate bunnies Carmen Family!! we may or may have not remembered it was easter? Such a Surprise! In sad news, our favorite video store is going out of business. We loved getting recommendations from the people who worked there. Austin and I had no idea our favorite date spot was going out and went to go get a movie.... and we ended up with this sweet stack!! (They sold them waaay discounted. We got all of these for the price of two new DVDs!) It was funny because when we walked in and realized what was going on, we freaked out because we wanted our favorite movies! Everything Illuminated and Moonrise Kingdom (among others but these were the first ones that came to mind) And Everything Illuminated was gone! Austin freaked because he couldn't remember what Moonrise Kingdom was called. He said... EDWARD NORTON. WHICH ONE WAS THAT?? Of course I look at him like wtf are you talking about the Hulk or the Painted Veil or something? Fig...