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Baby R: A Birth Story

This is only 15 months late, but I thought I'd write about my experience having Baby R anyway since pen and paper writing really aren't my thing. This blog has really become the family journal. 

You can read about the surprise .:here:.

Because of my dystonia and having bilateral DBS stimulators, the anesthesiologists at Sheridan Memorial were not 100% keen on starting an epidural for me. Plus the only "research" done on DBS carrying pregnant individuals only included six people in the study. I was probably the seventh to do it, no joke haha! SO... that led to nitrous gas (laughing gas) which is an alternative option. Or natural birth but like heck I was going to do that. Major nope factor. 

Needless to say, I was set on the nitrous oxide thing, and didn't prepare at all for a natural birth. 

I was 39 weeks, a week early when having Baby R. As a working Momma and on my feet all day, he was already sitting so low in my hips, and his head engaged. I had been at 3cm for a week with Braxton Hicks. The Pre-Op girls and I were in a peri-anesthesia conference the day I went into labor. We were jokingly doing jumping jacks, and eating super spicy chili and jalapenos to get labor started because I was so uncomfortable. Then a coworker mentioned she was born via Castor Oil. I was gonna try it. Oh man lightening crotch was lightening BOLT crotch. I was so ready. (Super selfish looking back but heck he was ready too or else it wouldn't have worked haha!) 

Austin and I went to a fancy dinner, then headed to Walgreen's to purchase Castor Oil. I took just one tablespoon y'all. Then I called my mom and asked her how I'd know if labor started, not thinking hippie stuff would work. About an hour later, the oil did it's intended job and I had some serious colon cleansing omg.... and blam! The mucus plug came out partially, and labor contractions started hard and fast.

We grabbed the bag and headed to the hospital which was literally across from our house. It was around 11pm? So we went through the ER entrance and I remember being a sweaty crazy mess and telling the attendent... I THINK I'M IN LABOR. And yup, definitely was. 

They had me in the preliminary room to make sure baby was happening and omg I was not made for contractions. I don't know if it was me being a baby myself or if it was the Castor Oil cause holy dang. Lamaze whatever breathing I read about once went out the freaking door and I remember gripping the side rail of the bed like the freaking hulk BEGGING FOR AN EPIDURAL as SOON as I was admitted and it was an all go. 

Anesthesia said nope, and I was progressing too fast to set up the Nitrous. A slip of fentanyl just once, and I was in it. 

I floated in and out for the next seven hours, and bam! Before I knew it we were delivering. You guys, it felt like the need to take the biggest, most painful dump on the face of this planet earth. The nurse kept saying, "Don't push yet! You need to blow out like you're blowing birthday candles and resist the urge to push." Oh, no no no my friend. There is no controlling that. 

The thing with dystonia and DBS units is they work on your "normal." Should stressful things happen, and I imagine labor is included, dystonia can overpower the stimulators. So I was in full on contractures with my legs being vice gripped by two nurses and my arms were contracted and the pain rippled from contractions to my legs and every muscle in my body. I seriously thought I was gonna die. I remember screaming at the nurses to please for the love of Pete to put my legs down cause they were hurting me. I was screaming to make it stop... as if that could happen hahahaha! 

Suddenly another nurse was helping me focus on my breathing and pushing. I never knew that you do 10 seconds then break. Or else you tear. Cause I remember after a few rounds of pushing, I realized that they were counting to 10 and stopping. On the next push I remember thinking "screw this, I'm rocketing this child out cause I don't want to deal with this ring of fire any longer!" The OBGYN then gave me an episiotomy in which was greatly deliberated, but very much needed cause I tore a whole bunch including a urethral tear. Omg... Anyway the next push and Baby R rocketed out, no time for shoulders, body, etc. Blam!

The speed and pain of it all put me into shock and they wanted to put Baby R on me immediately, but I was totally freaked out. So they washed him and Austin got to participate in all that. I regret being scared but what can you do, and it was special for Austin to see and hold him first. 

Once Baby R. was cleaned and settled, and the sewing of the situation down below, placenta delivered etc. ended, I was moved to another room and could NOT stop staring at the bundle of cuteness. Such a blessing and 100% worth everything and then some. 

He was 7lbs and a hairy little dude! Hungry as all get out, too. I never did end up producing enough so I supplemented. I gave what I could, but it was very very minimal. He took 9 oz at less than a week old! Our first night home I couldn't leave him. We were so scared to have a little one and to be responsible for him, so we camped out and slept on the couch with the bassinet right next to the both of us. Oh how we love him. 

And with 15 months gone by, I will document loads and loads of Baby R! 


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